Monday, September 6, 2010

Howdy From Saskatchewan!

    Internet use is pretty sporadic here so I haven’t been online much – and I don’t have a phone as yet – but I did want to write and let you know all is well.

  I had a great trip out from Vancouver.  I drove for 24 straight hours and I’m still marvelling over the fact that I never got sleepy once.  Nor did I get uncomfortable as you usually do sitting in a car for so long.  But I did have a plan –and it worked.  Rhodiola 110 and XS energy drinks!  WoW!  I was as alert in the 23rd hour as I was in the first hour.  What an incredible trip!  The car just ticked along fine and I kept it at 55 and 60 MPH all the way.  In fact, on some of those steep mountain hills in Rogers Pass, Kicking Horse Pass, and on the Coquihalla Hwy, that little 4 cylinder motor was carrying me along uphill at a whopping 35 to 40 MPH.  But it averaged 40 miles per gallon all the way and what a blessing that was!  1161 miles –fully loaded- for the grand total of $131.85.  Pretty nice!   Gas was $1.18/ltr at the coast, and it’s $.91 a litre here in Woodrow.

   The weather was great too, but now, as I sit at my laptop and look out the window here in Woodrow, it is cloudy, windy and rainy today.  Bad timing for the wheat farmers as there crops are ready for harvest for the most part, but it is nice for me as I get to sit inside here and get my creative juices started again.  Seems like it’s been a long time since I felt like I even wanted to write – let alone actually have something make sense on ‘paper.’  So that’s exciting for me!  I think the difference is in the stillness here.  No sirens going, no people talking, no sky-train roaring past – just stillness punctuated every once in a while by a coyote howl or an owl screech in the elm trees outside.

   I have just received word that World Wide Dream Builders is now fully functioning in Regina.  Regina is about 100 miles from Woodrow here, and about 40 miles from Moose Jaw where I hope to find work and have a base to build my business from.  Phone, Internet, and means to travel are the main goals for me right now.   I have always enjoyed Moose Jaw as a city, as it is pretty western-oriented.  Lots of saddle shops in town, surrounded by big ranches and horse oriented people.  My kind of town.  But progressive too with lots of business-oriented people, and if that is not big enough to get my business going, then the big city of Regina is only forty miles away to the east.  Perfect!
  So I’m pretty anxious to get out and about and get the show on the road!  I see E-commerce is up 17% over last year and M-Commerce is up 110%!  WoW!  (M-commerce is shopping over your mobile phone – a new concept.)  So the timing could not be better for me to show up at someone’s kitchen table with a fully organized and working plan of how to take advantage of this new way of living we are embarking on in society today.  How awesome is that?

    So it is with a real sense of urgency and excitement I feel now each day.  Of course, there are a few logistical problems to see worked out as yet – most of those come down to having some money – but I have learned that this is simply circumstances and circumstance is no barrier at all for anyone who has a definite purpose and the desire to see it carried out.  We are not wayward drifting orphans in this world, but instead, dream driven creative individual Sons of God.   We don’t have to give in to circumstance – we can make circumstances serve us instead!
  So yeah! I’m fired up about this new chapter in my life!!  Yahoo!!  As I look out my window I realize that Heaven may indeed consist of green grass and lots of horses – and big dreams!
Stay tuned.... I promise to be more consistent in writing now..

1 comment:

  1. Good news that you have arrived safe and sound....well I might have to question that second item.....Make sure to keep the updates coming and pictures...lots and lots of your beautiful pictures. Your photos always tell amazing stories. You are in my prayers my friend. Charlene


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