AS a Man Thinketh in His Heart, so is He.
From Proverbs: 23:7
We are composed of a body soul and Spirit.
Body = anything physical about you.
Soul = emotion, ego, id, will, logic mind, subconscious mind....all that is not body.
Spirit – anything of you that is not of body and/or soul
The subconscious mind is the way or path that our spirit speaks to God through. This is where God 'lives' in us.
The aphorism "AS a man thinketh in his heart" is referring to:
heart= your ego id..your subconscious identity of yourself. the core of you. the part that drives you but from the background where you are not even aware of it. id ego whatever you personally call it.
The subconscious mind 'pushes' you according to how it is programmed. It will be programmed by whatever prevalent thoughts it receives. You can control those or not. your sub mind will still operate on what it is fed. REGARDLESS of what your logical mind says.
"I do the things I do not want to do....." that is because your sub mind is programming your actions and you may have let 'weeds' program it.
When you 'dwell' or 'abide' in God's Word... you are programming His Truth into the control room of your heart...your subconscious mind. You are now taking control of what you are putting into your sub mind and ordering it to follow God's Word..not the junk from the world it has been receiving. Seeds fall as the wind blows them and they grow where they can take root. Seeds of thought..even wrong thought..will grow in your sub mind just as quickly and easily as seeds of God's truth.
This is why I say Guard your MIND. Turn off the TV. Cancel the newspaper. Feed your mind God's thoughts. Let Him live in that mind and so control it... you could then say..."As a Man thinketh [through God] so is he."
A lot of it is in a way semantics. but the old world definition of really your subconscious mind...your radio channel to God. It is from your sub mind that you hear God speak. This is your control room. I think of it like Windows running in the background of your computer. The computer represents your life and windows is your subconscious. No matter what you logically tell your computer to do, it will ALWAYS do whatever windows is programmed to make it do.
So is your life. AS a man thinketh in his heart (how your subconscious has been programmed), so is he [because your sub con mind is YOU. and that is what dictates how you act, what you say..what results you get..everything about you comes from here.)
The world [satan's system] wants to program your sub mind for you. That rat knows as well as we do how we operate. In fact, maybe even more than we do, because people will not study how they 'work'.
To change who we serve, we must know this. We have to 'program' ourselves with God instead of letting satans 'weeds' just grow willy nilly.
Faith comes by Hearing..and hearing from the Word of God. Words are seeds. WE have to plant the seeds to get the crop.
If you do not consciously PLANT a crop..any old crop will grow.... and guess who is planting those seeds? the world..satan's system.
You do not just WISH good things to happen here. You have to make them happen. making things happen takes effort..........and so people (generality I know) do not program their minds for righteousness. and so, weeds grow.
This is why I will not listen to words that attack my self-esteem This is one of the most hateful things anyone person can do to another...attack their self-esteem the ego the id the core of who they are. Instruction and communication are one thing....attacks are another.
Jesus said "Be careful how you listen."
I believe He was also saying "Be careful how you hear and allow into your guarded mind [sub conscious] because untruth will program you just as much as real truth will.
Because our minds work this way, and because of the power of whatever seeds you are planting in your subconscious mind, you can begin to see the power that your associations have on you. Are you letting the television set and it's negative messages into your mind? Are the books you read positive and edifying to you? Are your friends loving and supporting of you, or do they try and knock you and are sarcastic and critical of you?
Remember, your subconscious will feed on whatever it is given. It does not evaluate what is true and what was said in 'fun'. It just acts on whatever seeds are allowed to be sown there.
Guard your mind if you want to control your future.