Thursday, May 19, 2011

Meet the Author/Painter/Sculpter


Photo by
Rick Mortimer

 When you look at a painting... do you not recognize that it was created by someone? It had an author?
 When you see a building, do you not realize it had an architect? Someone imagined and created it?

 Are you so removed from the world, that you can not look around you and see that it too, had an author?

 To think otherwise is to believe that nothing created something - which is a scientific impossiblilty.

  Have you ever studied the human body and mind in it's infinite perfection? Each cell is perfect and wonderfully made! To think this just somehow 'happened' to come about without intelligent design, is to choose the inane.
  Inside of you is the knowledge that you are a created being. You can believe it, or you can deny it. Your choice from a loving God.
   But you choose!
 You've got all the proof you need right around you.  So just do like it says in the picture:
   "Stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God."
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